Taking care of an infant 24/7 has really made me realize just how big Kaya is getting. She is testing us some since we brought home Jimi, but we are all getting through it. Mostly, she is in love with her little brother, and says he is her favorite person in the world. But then she acts out for attention and gets punished and states that we love him more.
She is into "hot" boys (her words) and talks of boys and boyfriends with as much gusto as she used to talk about Dora the Explorer. Yesterday she informed me this boy Grant that invited her to a birthday party next weekend, kissed her on her lips a few weeks ago. But he isn't important because Cody is who she likes and lets not leave out Paolo, who has stated he wants to marry her. When did all of this happen? She is only almost 6!!
She came to us last week preaching to us that we are killing the planet because we don't recycle.
"You and Daddy are polluting the environment and that will delete the ozone and kill us and the trees. And why are we the only ones that don't recycle?"
"You and Daddy are polluting the environment and that will delete the ozone and kill us and the trees. And why are we the only ones that don't recycle?"
She asked Joey yesterday if she could have a car for her birthday when she is a teenager.
Kaya is indeed growing up. For those of you that did not know me as a child...she is the spitting image of me, except for the blond hair. And come to think of it, I had my first kiss in kindergarten.