Saturday, September 5, 2009

I'm on a political rant today...watchout!

People on the right are getting upset about the upcoming speech on Tuesday by President Obama to our schools. People on the left are upset at the people on the right. Do I think it's a big deal? Not really. Do I want to watch the speech first before I let Kaya watch it, you bet.

Do I think that the left would be up in arms if George W. wanted to give a speech to children? Yep, and there would be the same back lash from Cindy Sheehan and tons of others saying they don't want his war loving views being preeched to their children. The left is saying it shouldn't be about politics, but people you and I both know it's always about politics.


S said...

I actually kind of agree. If W had wanted to give a speech to school children, I would have been very suspicious. I would have assumed he was trying to sneak in some subliminal warmongering message. I would have let my kids watch it, but I would have wanted to see it too, and we definitely would have discussed it. Luckily for us, W wasn't smart enough to address America's school children with confidence. ;)

As it turned out, I don't think there was really anything controversial at all in Obama's speech.

Wren said...

I totally agree about the message not being controversial. I didn't really think it would be. I think just about everything should be discussed with our children. I came from a home where nothing was explained or discussed, and I feel it's my role as a parent to discuss my beliefs and the beliefs of others, and how compromise is the best way to go about things.