Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Day in the Life

I love my 2 children. My family is what I was put on this Earth for. When Jimi strokes my hair while he drinks his night time bottle, or Kaya still comes to snuggle me at every possible opportunity or Joey comes home and immediately sets them both off in fits of glee from being tickle all makes me melt. I have to remind myself this when the daily grind frustrates me like it is right now.

I wake up at 5:00 or so in the morning- this is best case scenario, some nights my insomniac daughter will wake me up at 2:30 because she can't sleep(like last night) or Jimi might wake up once in a while from wetting through his pjs(that would be 4:30 last night, right when said daughter finally got up and went back to her room.) Don't forget the cat that is obsessed with me and sleeps at my head on the nights that I forget to let him out.

Anyhoo, so I'm up by 5ish and feeding Jimi as this is about as long as he can sleep. I change, feed him his morning bottle, and try to lay him down for another 30 minutes or so so that I can get ready for work.

6 or 6:30 I'm getting Kaya up, and fed and downstairs. I make it down for a quick cup of coffee, put Jimi in his jump up and have a quick look at my email before I fix snacks, and food for Jimi for the day, and go start the car to be out of the house by 7:20...and breath.

Work is pretty much status quo, it can get very stressful and busy, but I look forward to the adult conversation and a full 8 hours without getting spit up or snot on me. I leave work at 5:00.

I pick the kids up a little after 5. Joey and I work together to get Jimi fed his dinner, have a night time bottle, get changed and put to bed all between 5:30- 7:00. Kaya has a snack and plays while all of this takes place as she has already done her homework at daycare. At 7:00 or so we eat dinner, I check her homework, and have a little down time. She goes to bed around 8:30 and I colapse around 9:30.

So that's my day. Joey and I have only a few short hours to spend together. I never get a chance do things for myself, or if I do find the time I frankly don't want to because I am so tired.

I know I'm not the only one out there that works hard or is tired or whatever. I haven't even gotten to cleaning, or lack-there-of...that is a whole new post.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You are amazing and I need a vacation just reading that!! ;-)