Friday, January 25, 2008

28 week Checkup

I went in for my 28 week checkup and glucose screening today. I'm sure everything is fine, but will get the results later next week. I am measuring fine, and actually get to have 1 more ultrasound in a couple of weeks. Apparently they do one more ultrasound for women with hypothyroidism to make sure the baby is growing like it should.

I am officially in my 3rd trimester- YAY! All of my friends and family that have been pregnant the same time as me (there are quite a few) have pretty much all delivered now, except for one other friend who is due anytime. These last couple of months I will be fat and pregnant all by myself! :(

We are starting on the nusery this weekend. I will post a before pic tomorrow when we start, then later the after. I am really excited about starting this phase of pregnancy...the shopping phase! I am bargain shopping for all of the big items that I am not registering for either on ebay or craigslist, and so far have gotten some really nice things. I can't wait to have my nursery done so I can sit back and relax for the rest of my pregnancy.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You ain't by yourself, Momma! I'm just starting to get nice & round I'm joining the club...22 weeks preggers today! :) Let the plump round preggo belly-fun begin! Ow!