Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jumping on the band wagon

Up to today, I have been posting random thoughts on Myspace. After many friends and family members have turned to this avenue of writing, I thought...hey why here I am .

I am officially 27 weeks pregnant today. According to my fertility chart that I kept avidly for several months whilst trying to get pregnant, I should actually be 27 weeks and 3 days, but my doctor seems to think she knows better, so she pushed my due date back by 3 days. Not that any of that should matter, because now she is saying that since my dear daughter came 3 weeks early, my son too will be 3 weeks you can predict that sort of thing.

Among the many things I want to post on this site are belly shots of my ever-expanding blimp of a preggo belly. They will be posted soon, not to worry. Jimi moves around constantly these days doing his best impression (or at least this is what I envision inutero) of Beavis on too much sugar needing t.p. for his bung hole. The random and most bewildering shuddering that goes on down there sometimes really has me worried that indeed I will pop out a pointy-jawed blond baby who's first utterances will be ... " I am Cornholio!"

There are worst things I guess.

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