Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nursery: After

There is a little left to be added here and there, but I love how it turned out!

Friday, February 22, 2008

To my daughter

Dear Kaya,

I wanted to take a minute to tell you how proud I am of you. You are becoming such a big girl. I still remember the little peanut that I gave birth too almost 6 years ago. You were so tiny! You were only 6 lbs 2 oz, but had a giant voice when you wanted to cry. You would always play with your tongue, I think it was bigger than your mouth. You still have that same oversized Gene Simmons tongue, just like your dad. You were not planned, but oh what a little miracle you were. You have been a constant light in your father’s and my eyes since we first found out about you. Now you have almost finished kindergarten, you are reading, and are the sweetest child I have ever known.

We are so excited that you will know the joys of having a sibling. That is such a special bond that can never be broken. What a great big sister you are going to be! You are already so excited, and I have caught you practicing for Jimi by “mothering” all of doll babies and animals for the last couple of weeks. Things will change a lot when Jimi is born, he will require a lot of attention and care when we first bring him home. Your daddy and I will be focused on making sure his needs are met, and it may seem like we do not have as much time as we have always had for you. This does not mean we love you any less or that you are being replaced; babies simply can’t take care of themselves like big girls can. Jimi will only be a helpless infant for a short time, and I can’t wait to watch your relationship with him unfold as he begins to grow.

I love you princess,

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

my 31 week belly pic

Thar she blows! I feel like a ginormous whale!

Jimi ultrasound at 31 weeks

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

31 week update

I went in today for my 31 week checkup and an ultrasound to see how Jimi was developing. He is measuring at around 33 weeks, about 2 weeks larger than I actually am! They estimate his size to be around 4 lbs 8 oz! ( an average being around 3.3 lbs at 31 weeks). Babies typically grow around 1/2 lb a week at this point, so I could be looking at giving birth to a much larger baby then Kaya was. Epidural here I come!

The ultrasound was amazing, he is already in head down position, but I saw a pretty good shot of most of his face (the other portion being hidden by my pelvis. He's got giant cheeks! and opened his eyes to look at us and proceded to kick me at the same time. He has a lot of hair the tech said for only being 31 weeks...Kaya had hardly any for the first 2 years of her life.

As far as I'm concerned, my doc said not to worry about the many BH contractions unless they start to hurt all the time. I go back in 2 week intervals now, and at my 35 week appt, I get another ultrasound to see if the baby is still in head down position and how much larger he has gotten.

I can't believe this little miracle is almost here. It seems like such a short time ago I was experiencing the pain of a miscarriage. I can't even express how special this little boy is to me, how special both of my children are to me. I should probably stop now before my hormones take over! :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Holy Contractions Batman!

I have been having Braxton hicks contractions since about 15 or 16 weeks pregnant. I know they are a normal part of pregnancy, and have not been concerned. However, Over the last week I'm getting them all day long. If I drive for longer then 10 minutes...Bam, if I walk from my parked car into Target...BAM, when I walk up the stairs to pick up Kaya from Daycare...BAM. I sometimes easily get 6-8 in an hour.

Well, on Tuesday, I was punishing Kaya for not cleaning her room, and my Braxton Hicks turned painfuL. This morning, as I was waking up I was hit with two waves back to back of vagina shattering painful contractions. WTF?!! I never felt 1 BH contraction, much less a painful one with Kaya. My water simply broke at 37 weeks and they induced me because of the distance I had to drive from my home. The first contraction i got I requested an epidural, and the rest of my labor, was pain free. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday, and I'm really not really concerned that Jimi is on the way today, but I really think that he does not intend to stick around for the full 40 weeks.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Weekly update

I got my results back last week for the gestational diabetes test, and it came back negative. It did, however, show that I was anemic and they made me start taking extra iron to go along with my prenatal vitamin. Hopefully that will spring back up soon, and all will be fine for the rest of my pregnancy.

Joey painted the nursery this weekend, and I painted the dresser and table I bought which turned out really nice. It is still a work in progress since we still have to set up the crib and hang stuff on the walls. Joey is buying new closet doors because the old ones needed to be replaced. I will post pictures as soon as the majority of the room is complete.

It has been in the 60's and 70's here for the past several days, and I am loving this weather! I really can't wait for spring! I know I keep mentioning that I could have Jimi up to 3 weeks early, but I really hope he waits a little longer. I am taking about 10 weeks off for maternity leave, and I would love to not go back to work until the beginning of July. I'm having issues with the daycare situation and what I'm going to do with Jimi after I go back to work...the place I currently take Kaya is saying they won't have a spot open until Sept, even though I reserved a spot on their list the day I found out I was pregnant. I've decided that if I can find a spot for both Kaya and Jimi somewhere close that I will pull her out of daycare as soon as I deliver and save some money while I'm out on leave.

Kaya got her report card Friday and is doing great! She has almost got reading mastered (thanks Becky for those books, they are great!) and doing great in every other subject. I am finding that she has an interest in History and Science. She is such a good natured, sweet little girl. I really hope Jimi has some of those same qualities, but God I hope he sleeps more than Kaya!