Friday, February 15, 2008

Holy Contractions Batman!

I have been having Braxton hicks contractions since about 15 or 16 weeks pregnant. I know they are a normal part of pregnancy, and have not been concerned. However, Over the last week I'm getting them all day long. If I drive for longer then 10 minutes...Bam, if I walk from my parked car into Target...BAM, when I walk up the stairs to pick up Kaya from Daycare...BAM. I sometimes easily get 6-8 in an hour.

Well, on Tuesday, I was punishing Kaya for not cleaning her room, and my Braxton Hicks turned painfuL. This morning, as I was waking up I was hit with two waves back to back of vagina shattering painful contractions. WTF?!! I never felt 1 BH contraction, much less a painful one with Kaya. My water simply broke at 37 weeks and they induced me because of the distance I had to drive from my home. The first contraction i got I requested an epidural, and the rest of my labor, was pain free. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday, and I'm really not really concerned that Jimi is on the way today, but I really think that he does not intend to stick around for the full 40 weeks.


~Becky said...

I hope he keeps cooking for at least a few more weeks! I had pretty painful Braxton Hicks with Sam, too. Hang in there...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i had much worse b-h with the second pregnancy. Hang in there, Jimi!