Friday, February 22, 2008

To my daughter

Dear Kaya,

I wanted to take a minute to tell you how proud I am of you. You are becoming such a big girl. I still remember the little peanut that I gave birth too almost 6 years ago. You were so tiny! You were only 6 lbs 2 oz, but had a giant voice when you wanted to cry. You would always play with your tongue, I think it was bigger than your mouth. You still have that same oversized Gene Simmons tongue, just like your dad. You were not planned, but oh what a little miracle you were. You have been a constant light in your father’s and my eyes since we first found out about you. Now you have almost finished kindergarten, you are reading, and are the sweetest child I have ever known.

We are so excited that you will know the joys of having a sibling. That is such a special bond that can never be broken. What a great big sister you are going to be! You are already so excited, and I have caught you practicing for Jimi by “mothering” all of doll babies and animals for the last couple of weeks. Things will change a lot when Jimi is born, he will require a lot of attention and care when we first bring him home. Your daddy and I will be focused on making sure his needs are met, and it may seem like we do not have as much time as we have always had for you. This does not mean we love you any less or that you are being replaced; babies simply can’t take care of themselves like big girls can. Jimi will only be a helpless infant for a short time, and I can’t wait to watch your relationship with him unfold as he begins to grow.

I love you princess,