Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bad Joo Joo

So I must have done something to upset Karmic law yesterday, because it totally kicked my ass!

I was at the mall with Jimi and I was getting his stroller out of my trunk. I was just shutting the back of my van when WHAM the corner slammed into the top of my head right at the hair line...FUCK! After the blow to my head, and pride the rest of the trip went fine. Later at the house I was rearranging Kaya's room to make space for a dresser Suzy is giving us. I had her little circus table in my hands taking it to Jimi's room since she has out grown it and WHAM my left shin runs full force into her metal vanity chair...FUCK!

Now that I have a lump on my head and now my shin I think, wow, what a wierd day. As I am limping off the residual pain Jimi starts to cry. I go to pick him up out of his crib and WHAM...well not really a wham, but you get the idea- my lowest part of my back spasms into this horrific pain. It has been feeling a little sore every now and then, but yesterday the gods decided to shove that voodoo pin straight into my L1 vertabrae.

I'm glad today is a new day, new joo joo.

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