Friday, June 27, 2008

Weight Watchers

2 Years ago this August I started WW and over the course of 4 months, met my goal of losing 25 lbs. I became pregnant, lost the baby and gained back all of my 25 lbs and became pregnant again (that is the abridged version)

It's been 14 weeks since I've delivered and I've tried watching my WW points on my own for over 6 weeks. After losing and gaining the same 5 lbs, my total weight loss is 2 lbs... ugg... just 30-40 more lbs to go. Yes that is right am 15 lbs heavier then I was when I started WW 2 years ago...and I thought I was really heavy then.

I signed up for their monthly pass yesterday and plan on weighing in and attending my first meeting on Saturday. I'm a little mad at myself for needing to go back. I still remember my mindset 2 years ago, but just can't find it again. I'm hoping that by having to own up to my weight each week and by paying for the monthly pass,that will be all I need to start shedding this weight.

So like last time I will be totally honest on here as well regarding my gains, losses, and weight. My scale this morning read 172...sob...sob...I will post tomorrow morning at my first weigh-in just in case they don't match.


Anonymous said...

I am right there with you sweetie. You will be my motivation to lose weight with you. First one to hit 10 lbs buys the drinks? ;-)


~Becky said...

I'm totally in! If I recall correctly those drinks are a LOT of WW points! ;)

Jen, I'm in the same boat as you. I lost 30 pounds when we were going to WW. And I am at almost the exact same weight I was when we joined. AND I don't even have a baby as an excuse. *sigh* I really should head back to WW as well....

S said...

i might be in too...I am having trouble finding time for meetings, but I really want to go back. When are you going?