Sunday, June 15, 2008

This is the End

I am headed back to work on Tuesday after having been off for 12 weeks on maternity leave. To say I don't want to go back is the understatment of the year. In fact, if I were someone who suffered panic attacks, that is where I would be right now. Who knows before it is all said and done, I might have a few. I was struggling last night to remember exactly when the last time I was off for 12 weeks straight was...I can't exactly remember, but think it was way back when we lived on Stuart Ave, maybe in between Victoria Secret and Sterling Optical? All I know is that it has been at least 10 years and since I know I'm not having any more children, this is it for a long time to come.

1 comment:

~Becky said...

I hope today is going well. I've been thinking about you. :)