Sunday, August 31, 2008

Checking In

No new weight loss or gain this week. I got into this rut too when I was doing WW the first time. One week I lose, the next I stay the same. Since I have an online membership, I have been a little slack lately with going to the meetings and weighing in there. I need to focus on that as my goal for next week.

Kaya is all ready for school. She has delivered her supplies and met her teacher. All the clothes, at least through Christmas if not longer have been bought, and we have even had a fun bout of Stomach flu running rampant through our household. First me last week, then Joey the past week. And fun of all fun Kaya came down with it and got sick all over the place last night at around 2:00 in the morning. Good times. Luckily up till now, Jimi has missed the horrible bug.

He continues to get bigger and bigger. He loves his Johnny jump up and we are looking on Craigslist for an exersaucer. Kaya has grown this summer as well, now wearing a size 1 in shoes, and 7 clothes. Her first football game to cheer for is Saturday the 6th. She is so excited.

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