Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jimi Cometh

Right after my last post, and I mean literally 30 seconds later, I sat on my couch to put on Kaya's shoe and my water broke! I will post my birth story later, but for now...

Jimi was born prematurely at 35 weeks 4 days on Thursday, March 20th at 4:56 PM. He was 6lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. He has mild RDS (respiratory distress syndrome) meaning his lungs weren't quite fully ready to work on their own. He was given to me and then sent to the NICU so he could get stronger to come home with us. He should be home within the month, hopefully in 1-2 weeks.

There is so much I want to post, so many things I've thought about mentioning over the past few days. I haven't really organized any of it yet in my head. but for now, here are some beautiful pictures of our little man.

1 comment:

~Becky said...

He's so sweet! :) I'm sending all my good wishes and positive thoughts for a quick and healthy homecoming for your little (big) man.