I went to see my little man twice yesterday. The first I got to change him for the first time, but his little eyes were covered now too because of the light to get rid of his jaundice is shining right on his face. So you could only see his little lips. His nurse had a hard morning with him because he had pulled out his feeding tube and they had to change IV spots and she couldn't get a vein to work. I didn't get to hold him like I wanted to, but she promised his number were good and there was a good possiblity that he could be taken off the cpap that afternoon.
I went back up in the evening and I could see his little face! The cpap is now off, and they have replaced it with a nasal canula. I got to hold him for almost an hour and it was heaven! He fell into such a restful sleep while I was holding him, I hated to let him go. Here is pic of my beautiful boy...underneath all the bandaids and bruising...that is.
What a gorgeous baby boy. Evie is already getting a crush. :)
Poor thing (Jimi, and you...)! I know you can't wait to get him home and snuggle with him all you can. I can't wait either! :) He's beautiful.
Oh, Jen, I can't wait until he is home with his mama. I am thinking of you guys every day!
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