Friday, July 11, 2008

Kitty with a Wire Fetish

We adopted a sweet 15(?) year old black kitty last year. Our family loves this kitty, especially Kaya, and this kitty loves my daughter, husband, and dog. It doesn't like me so much because his arch nemesis, the white kitty, loves me. The white kitty, Maximus Kittenus, aka "white kitty" is a bully with small kitty's complex and beats up on the dog, daughter and this old black kitty. Following me so far?

Yesterday morning I came downstairs as I always do to check my email before anyone is up. I discovered that this kitty completely chewed in half the cable running from our flat screen monitor to our computer. This is not the first time this kitty with a fetish has sliced a cable, 1 month ago it was one of our baby monitor cords, 3 months previous was the mouse to our computer, and about 5 months ago, it was our computer speaker wires. These other items were not extremely costly,we had an extra set of speakers, we threw the baby monitor away, and bought a cheap new mouse. The monitor, however, is expensive and just a year old. I ordered the replacement cable yesterday, and the cable alone was $50. Yeesh.

What does one do with a kitty with a wire fetish? Is there a support group for kitties? A 12-step program? Biofeedback? I know what my first instinct was but I will not divulge it because I am truly an animal lover, and I don't want any
evidence to the contrary.

Needless to say, I will not be able to post again from my home computer until the part comes in. The part should be in sometime next week, until then, I only have access at work.

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