Saturday, July 5, 2008

Movin on down

The first time I started ww 2 years ago, I had a 7 lb loss the first week. My loss this 1st week wasn't nearly as good, but I am totally excited that I lost 4.2 lbs! I started the week off eating completly the wrong food but staying within my points. Near the end of the week I started to get better at picking healthy choices that fall in my 22 point per day allowance. I went way over 1 day, but didn't get discouraged, and got right back on track after that. Today I feel less cravings, I'm able to drink all of the water I'm supposed to with out the "floating away" feeling, and hopefully this attitude will hang on with me for a bit so I can lose the weight I want.

I know that my losses will not be this good every week, and there will be gains, but I feel like I am back on track. My 1st goal is to lose 10% by labor day, that gives me about 13 more lbs to lose, then I will set another.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Way to go Wren! Looks like you will be buying the drinks. ;-)