Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Something has been bugging the shit out of me, and maybe if I write it out, I will feel better. Feel free to give your advice.

I have a physical therapist I work with who is very sweet and came to my baby shower and really wanted to work with Jimi after he was born because she said she was being trained in this infant therapy method that is supposed to help in their overall development whether they are behind or not. She asked if she could use Jimi as her "guinea pig" way back while I was still pregnant. Well as you all know the story, he was born prematurely and stayed in the NICU, then his pediatrician said maybe he had a scrotal hernia, then she mentioned possible scoliosis because he like to look up at the light. I was a little sick of hearing there are things wrong with my child, and I should have never had the PT come visit us while I was still at home with him. After one visit she calls me and states that he needs early intervention because he is behind developmentally. WTF!?! Of course he is, "he was premature", I say, and therefore his developmental age is 4-5 weeks behind his actual age...and everything works itself out by the time they are 2 years old.

She wanted to regress him back to putting him in a sling, which is no big deal if he were a newborn starting out, but I never put him in one because I didn't have one, and I'm not going to start now when he is perfectly happy in the crib or pack in play. She wants me to change my thought process that I want him to try and sit up and hold his head up, because she thinks he needs to still be cradled and treated like a newborn. She originally brought this to me as doing her a favor, helping her with her infant study she is doing, but then she is asking me to go through EI and request her as a therapist. I really do like her as a person, and I thought about it for all of 5 minutes when these reasons popped into my brain.

A. If it was supposed to be free, why is she now trying to get paid for it through EI?
B. He was only 11 weeks old at the time, now he is 14 weeks old, give the little boy a chance to catch up for Christ's sake!
C. This is my last baby I'm going to raise and I want to spend this time enjoying his growth and development, not feeding my anxiety that there is something wrong everytime I think about his lack of skills during tummy time!
D. I just don't think he is that far behind.

I have come to the descision that I'm waiting untill he is 6 months old and then kind of taking a look at the whole idea. But it aggravates me because the fact is that she has planted that seed of doubt in my head. That somehow by not doing this now, I will regret it when he is diagnosed with some horrible delay problem (this is my anxiety talking).
She has my anxiety working overtime so that everytime I see one of my friends kids, I think back to what they were doing at Jimi's age, and every baby I see while we are out and about, I compare to my little guy.

But with all of this said, and all of my anxiety aside, I still don't think that I need to start this whole process now. What harm could it to wait until 6 months?

Ok, that is all, just had to vent, because she just called here at work and wanted to know if I had contacted Hanover County yet about services...


Rachel said...

I think Jimi is fine and perfectly normal. I am not an expert but unless there is an obvious problem I would not go through all of that therapy and whatnot. Do not let them stress you out and cause you to doubt yourself. He is only three months old and his adjusted age is only two months for pete's sake! ;-) I agree with you...give the baby a chance! You are a wonderful mother and you should be enjoying this time with him, not worrying over every little developmental milestone. So that is just my two cents. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think your intuition is really powerful. You spend way more time with your baby and know him better. Isn't she in training? She doesn't even know what she's talking about. At 14 weeks, Jimi should be doing what a 8-9 week old is doing. 8-9 week olds aren't doing anything!

Would it make you feel any better to talk to your pediatrician about it?

I think you should tell this woman that you appreciate her concern, but you think she is more interventionist than you are comfortable with and you want to take it slow.
