Friday, March 14, 2008


It's going to be a beautiful day outside! I LOVE SPRING!!! I had a wonderful baby shower last weekend. I got a ton of stuff off of my registry, and got to see my family. My sister and neice even came up and spent the night with us. Good times!

The last reserves of my energy pittered out this week. I was going strong up through about Tuesday, and came home after work feeling tired, and really uncomfortable. Go figure at 34/35 weeks! That has transitioned to a lot of low pressure and pain/discomfort while standing, walking. I feel like I'm oozing all the time after starting to become unplugged the end of last week. My Braxton Hicks Contractions come 4-5 per hour consistantly with at least 1 or 2 of them being crampy, like the one I'm currently having. I hope I don't have 5 more weeks of this!

So, I've been finishing the last few things on my to do list, as I feel that Jimi will be coming sooner rather than later. I'm sure I just totally jinxed myself by posting that and he will come at 41 weeks. Anyway, I got my music together for my mp3 player, and put together part of my hospital bag. I have the clothes together I will take for Jimi, and I still need to buy a couple of nursing bras and pack a bag for Kaya. I still am trying to figure out who will take her when I go into labor. My cleaning person is coming today to clean for another shower this weekend being thrown by my awesome friends.

Things are going great at Joey's work, he really loves it, and as for Kaya, she is testing us a bit with the whole listening thing, but we are working through it. I have my temp starting Monday and I am not ready to train her. I still have so much of my own to finish, without taking time out to train her. And my boss gave me a list of projects just yesterday that she wants me to do...before I leave.

I go in Tuesday for my check up and can't wait to see my little man again on ultrasound, but I'm really excited to see if I've dilated...I can't see how I couldn't have by now with the pressure I'm having, but who knows!

1 comment:

~Becky said...

I'm betting on a Spring Break baby! ;)